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Monday, August 20, 2012

The way you awake tells a lot about your personality

The way you awake tells a lot about your personality, the little signs that you give can sometimes tell a whole story about your self’s, some persons assume that a couple hours of sleep will allow them awake fresh and chirpy to face the day but it’s not and by the time they realize that it’s time to wake up which they absolutely can’t do.
Some persons depend on the alarm clock to wake them and when it does then it becomes road kill, because the first time its unlucky enough to go off is its last, then another one is brought in and the same thing happens again.
That’s an indication that that person is tired, not getting enough sleep maybe taking too long to go to bed, which in turn makes that person very irritated and short fused throughout the day. Angry with other drivers, co-workers and little old ladies crossing the street, an all in all bad day.
Then there are the ones who at the very first alarm they spring up alert bushy tailed and bright eyed, these are generally the persons that got their full eight hours of sleep and have very calm and relaxing personalities, they don’t need to hurry because they are always on time and because of that their duties or jobs are completed on time and in the way they want them to be, they don’t have to be hurrying through traffic so they won’t get frustrated, they end up having an extremely good day and is happy throughout.
Person that decide they need extra security to ensure they wake, but really take a time before making use of it are the ones who are chronic worriers, they sometimes have up to three alarm clocks to wake them and still don’t get up when the alarm goes off  the first time. They worry that they will be late for work or won’t be able to complete a project on time, they are usually nervous during the day have some little telltale habits like tapping their fingers on the desk or wringing their hands. 
Then you have those babies, that’s what I call them, who need to be woken up by someone each and every morning, they have to be awaken repeatedly, then actually forced out the door. These are persons who don’t want to face the morning and don’t want to go through the day, generally grumpy and a little bleary eyed, slow and limp as a dish rag for the rest of the day.

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