vs. Mall
At a time where everything is one-click-away and we
depend so much on technology, it makes us wonder – will Black Friday survive
technology? Will it be end of endless lines, crowd in malls, camping in front
of shops, just so you could get that new shoes at 70% off? Reality is, Internet
is winning this battle. Online shopping has already taken great amount of
buyers. Why lose time running through malls, when you can shop from the comfort
of your home? Having to see the future where you don't have to leave your home
for shopping at least is terrifying!
lose the holiday spirit
Black Friday has its 50 years old tradition, which is
going to be torn down with one simple click. We no longer talk about online
discounts just on Black Friday. They are there throughout the whole year. That
makes you think, why run to mall on busiest time of the year and try to buy
something on a discount price, when I can do that verbatim any other day, too.
It is like discovering that Santa is not real. All the joy of shopping is gone.
You get presents throughout the whole year, but Christmas presents are special,
because you think Santa gave it to you for being good. Black Friday had the
exact same magic – you had discounts on all those beautiful things, but only
for a short while. That's what made it special and important. Now, with all
those sales, discounts and online shopping, we are afraid to lose that holiday
spirit. I had the same scare with eBooks. I thought no one would want to read
real books anymore, but I never was so wrong. Holding a book is like holding a
story. You can touch the letters, smell the book, get into your story. I feel
the same about clothes, electronics, furniture etc. I can't tell if it's right
for me before I try it and see it for myself.
really matters
Technology is great, but some things are better done
old fashioned way, like shopping, reading books, talking etc. Technology is
here to help us with quality of our life, not to take over our lives! Use it
for information, not for buying, for scheduling meetings, not for meetings, for
finding critics review, not for reading books. Don't be a part of losing one
more of our tradition, doesn't matter how silly it is. Gather your friends,
family, credit cards and go out and have fun!
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